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Subject: Actors, Directors/Producers: Simon MacCorkindale
Since: 01 January 2006
Members: 70
Pending: 0
Last Update: March 9 2025
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Simon MacCorkindale Harry Harper the relationship between Susan George and Simon MacCorkindale the relationship between Alexander Addington and Peter Sinclair Counterstrike She Wolf Of London Manimal

Welcome to SMCFP

Welcome to SMCFP and the fanlisting for Simon MacCorkindale. This fanlisting is approved by This fanlisting has been adopted from Sharon who did a very good job of looking after it from January 2006 till August 2010

About Simon MacCorkindale

Simon is a British actor, director and producer. He was born on the 12th of February in Ely, Cambridgeshire

He is well known for his roles in series such as Casualty, Falcon Crest, Manimal and Counterstrike

Simon had his 'big break' in the film Death on the Nile in 1979

After finishing a six year run on Casualty in 2008, Simon appeared on stage in a six month run of Sleuth and made his musical debut in The Sound of Music at the London Palladium

In November 2009 it was announced that he has been battling cancer for some time. While under treatment for the illness he still managed to film a role in the new series of New Tricks to be shown in a few weeks. If anyone would like to leave 'well wishes' for Simon you can leave them here

Simon MacCorkindale passed away 14th October 2010 in Susan's arms at a clinic in London. We are all deeply saddened, and are thinking of Susan and Simon's family and friends at this time. If you wish to discuss this, or to leave a comment you can here

For updated news on Simon please see the Newsletter Archive or the Community Forum links on the left

What is a Fanlisting?

A Fanlisting is a list of fans from a particular subject i.e. TV Show, Band, Book, TV show pairing etc. There can only be one fanlisting for each subject, this site hosts the Fanlisting for actor Simon MacCorkindale.

No Fanlisting Extras?

Normally a fanlisting would have 'extras', photo's, icons, banners, etc however as the fanlisting is part of a larger site we don't have any. Feel free to browse the links on the left and reacquaint yourself with Simon's vast career, there's something for everyone